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제 11 호 Extracurricular Programs for Sangmyung University Students

  • 작성일 2021-08-26
  • 좋아요 Like 0
  • 조회수 18018
김유정, 윤남호


Extracurricular Programs for Sangmyung University Students

by Yoo-Jung Kim, Editor-In-Chief /Nam-HoYun, Reporter


  How was your vacation? With the global pandemic affecting our daily life, you can say that it was not that great. However, we believe you had lots of meaningful experiences since you are a proud Sangmyung University student. Did you know Sangmyung University offers special programs to fulfill your career and your college life? There are also great opportunities outside of our campus you do not want to miss. Most university students spend their vacation preparing for “specs”. Although it might seem too cliché to get everything set for your career, it is hard to start if you do not know where to begin. If you nodded your head at least once while reading what we said, stick with us till the end as we find out how you can find extracurricular activities with a little bit of help from the internet, and, of course, Sangmyung University.

Sangmyung Tutoring

  Studying your major course can be hard sometimes. However, Sangmyung Tutoring has got your back. A tutor who got a grade of A or above will help you out on how to study for your major course. You will also get a chance to ask how he/she could prepare for the exam. Plus, you will get extracurricular mileages that can be used to get a scholarship. This program lasts for one semester and begins this September. Do not miss out on this great opportunity if you want to study hard for your major course.

Study Sang-seng Plus

  Got an interest in something and want to make something out of it? If so, do not hesitate to join Study Sang-seng- Plus. With 2 to 4 colleagues, as a team, you can participate in a contest exhibit or start a project. This program also lets you get some feedback from a professor with lots of experiences and a mentor from a company with relative interest. It does not end here. You will get some financial support for your project as a scholarship, some extracurricular mileage, and a chance to win a prize as the most excellent team. Like Sangmyung Tutoring, it also starts from early September.

Sangmyung Presentation Contest

  Making a good-looking PowerPoint is quite hard, and presenting it in front of colleagues is much harder; yet the ability to speak your thoughts with crowd-engaging skills is much needed in most job interviews. To participate, you have to make a 5 minute video about a topic that has been selected by the organizer. And yes, it is a contest. There is a chance you may not make it to the first round. Even if that happens, you can have a lecture on how to improve your presentation skills and learn from the best. Of course, if you make it to the top 3, a scholarship will be given to you as a prize. It is a win-win, right? This contest starts from November, so make sure you write it down somewhere to not forget about this great opportunity. You can search presentation videos on YouTube to see how they did.

Presentation by the winners of the 3rd Sangmyung Presentation Contest

Sangmyung Debate Competition

  Most university students think they are good at debating. If you look closely, however, most are good at having arguments. Logical/critical thinking with great pronunciation skills requires a lot of practice and debating experience. Some recruiting processes contain a group debate. If you want to make a great impression to the interviewers, the Sangmyung Debate Competition is the way to go. Writing a promising written argument on each side is the first threshold you will face. The topic requires a certain level of background knowledge, so make sure you do some research about it. It also starts from November; therefore, reading news articles or columns is recommended until the contest begins.

Debating in progress from the 8th Sangmyung Debate Competition

  Keep in mind that these programs are subject to change due to the level of quarantine measures for social distancing. Note that there are more than these 4 programs Sangmyung University is providing. Make sure to check extracurricular programs frequently to grow your career. All of the programs that are mentioned above can be found on the Sam-Mul webpage. You can directly access to the page using this address: 


H-Jump School

  The first program outside of our campus is H-Jump School. H-Jump School is sponsored by Hyundai Motor Group and partner universities; but it is not all about cars. This program aims to mitigate the social inequality with university student volunteers and professional mentors by helping mentees to grow them as a leader of the next generation whose heart is in the right place. As a “SAM”, you will be a teacher providing educational opportunities to youth who are in need of them. Starting from March to December, you will have 6 hours of educational volunteer work every week. You will also be able to participate in mentoring sessions from Hyundai Motor Group and have a conversation with the employees and executives. Plus, there is a scholarship for every volunteer. You may think this is just an educational volunteering program. At the end of the day, however, it is you who will learn and grow. 

  H-Jump School will recruit new volunteers in December. Visit https://h-jumpschool.kr/en/ for more information about the recruitment process.

SK Sunny

  Just like its name, SK Sunny tries to bring sunshine into the lives of others by volunteering. They try to focus on solving social issues from safety to education. As a team, volunteers try to come up with an idea to solve a certain social problem. After creating a solution, they implement it by cooperating with various volunteering groups and non-profit organizations. SK Sunny also operates on a regional level, so there are lots of opportunities for university students in all regions.

SK Sunny recruits their volunteers for the second half of this year starting from late August to mid-September. If you think you can create a positive impact on the society, SK Sunny is the way to go. Visit http://www.skhappiness.org/eng/innovator/sksunny.do and find out more.

SK Sunny assisting disaster recovery in Dam-yang, 2020

KB Academic Mentoring

  University students, including at Sangmyung University, had studied hard to start a campus life. Even though most of it is ruined by the global pandemic, you can help middle school students with KB Academic Mentoring. KB Academic Mentoring is designed to help middle school mentees with learning and improving their personality. As a mentor, you will meet your mentees via a local child care center. However, since the global pandemic is all around the country, you will use a video conferencing app to keep in touch with them. More than 90 local child care centers and 300 mentees were involved in this program last year. And there are also special lectures and scholarships. It can be a one-stop shop for your career.

KB Academic Mentoring lasts for 11 months, and 2 sessions for 90+ minutes are required every week. There is a benefit if you have an experience in mentoring/teaching, but there is also no drawback for having none. All you need is passion and willpower. 

Lastly, they plan to recruit their volunteers from December to January, 2022. Make sure to visit https://www.kbhope.or.kr/main/main.php to find out more about this program.

KB Academic Mentor having a session with his students via Zoom, 2020

  There are countless numbers of programs or activities to call as a “spec”. It really is up to your choice and your preference. Following your heart rather than what others do is a great way to make your own resume. 

Campus life with a global pandemic is not a great combination. It is tough, but here is some bright side; you have more time to ponder where you want to be at after graduation. With the help of extracurricular programs, we hope you can broaden your horizons, and see/feel the world for yourself.

Sources:  https://www.kbhope.or.kr/page/0402.php?Kind=0402&Code=04&No=191729&No2=191729&Thread=A&Type=edit&Page=6&Next=view&Category=&StageNum=



